Sunday, January 8, 2012

Winter Vulkan Wolke

Another photoshoot with my siamese sister along the red rocks of the volcanic massif of Esterel.

The legend says that a fairy named Estérelle gave its name. Women came to consult for fertility. The true origin of the massif, less romanticized, comes from the adjective derived from sterile, which corresponded to the acidic and less fertile land that is the Esterel. The story of the Esterel is very old, its runs on 300 millions years. First attached to Africa, this piece of land separated itself during the formation of the Mediterrean sea. In the Tertiary, a section of the Esterel drifted and formed Corsica. Rugged landscapes and steep creeks plunging into the sea reflect the turbulent geological history.


SPYT said...

magnifique! love the new banner too :-*

chrys said...

love merci alien ! une vrais artiste des bisous