Right now I’m on a fashion project at work, can’t tell much about it but it has been question of a clickable video and it threw me back to my favourite film on the universe : Clueless.
I know, I know, I totally admit that this film was made for retarted teenagers and that transposed to now, these teenagers would be listening loop to Justin Bieber while pasting pink stickers on their notebooks.
But to go further tassels on pen, perfect american brushing and hollow dialogues, this cult film was nearly a science fiction one.
EXPLANATION :The gold point of the film is the moment when Cher wakes up, goes to her dressing (yes she can go to her dressing) and seats in front of her computer where all her clothes and accessories are listed in a software that works according to a complex algorithm elaborated by top designers. (And one of them is god on earth> Alaïa)
7:30 : My iPhone located at 20cm near my brain (I should stop, everyone knows he has to stop but no one does) rings and ask me questions about my mood and my dreams, takes my blood pressure...
7:34 : 4 minutes later, the software has already calculated my perfect outfit of the day and provides me a selection of 3 choices
7:35: I post the 3 look on my facebook page where my friends can comment then make my choice and go to my dressing, a automated turning wardrobe (I’ve tried so hard to convince my parents to buy me one, what a beautiful dance of your clothes turning in circle and what an enchanting music make the hangers bumping against each other)
8:00 : The water of my shower was flavored watermelon, so was my toothpaste and my towel left me some glitter. I am ALL ready. But wait a minute...
8:01: I take that Milla Jovovich makeup box, (the #2 dream of every girl after this software I am trying hard to sell you)
Aaww and I forgot to say: my dressing updates itself everyday by reselling on ebay old clothes and buying new stuff according to my preferences on the best fashion retailers and second hand online shops.
Technology saves the lazy, clearly !

Rêve qui dure depuis ce film ou elle est habillée en Alaia ,il va falloir le réaliser un jour, mais en attendant tu devrais déposer le brevet
Robe Alaïa avec laquelle elle est obligée de s'allonger sur le goudron ;)
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